The week ahead: August 7th through August 13th:

SO MUCH IS HAPPENING!!!!! Check out what Sarah has to say – she knows all about it!!!!

Sarah Martucci - Psychic Medium & Certified Crystal Healer


Wheweee! Can you guys FEEL the full moon lunar eclipse tonight? I feel like every part of me is electrified and I’m ready for what’s coming next. We’re still in Leo season, so pay attention to themes of working with our inner child, being creative, taking pride in what we do and our unique selves, assuming responsibility or the leadership position, and being generous with our time and our abilities.

This full moon lunar eclipse is in the sign of Aquarius which brings up different themes of worldwide views, equal rights for all, humanitarian efforts of all kinds, future-oriented thinking, and rebelling against whatever is stagnant in our lives or abroad. Eclipses are always a potent, powerful time, helping to bring about endings where maybe we didn’t know how, so we can start anew and get headed in the right direction. Lunar eclipses also represent the resetting of emotions, where the…

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