Sarah has a great deal to say this week, so pull up a chair and pay close attention!!

Sarah Martucci - Psychic Medium & Certified Crystal Healer


You guys–wtf. This past weekend was not ok. Nazis are not ok. KKK is not ok. The alt-right is not ok. Why does there even need to be a reminder for people that hate is not ok and will not be tolerated in 2017? Did we not a have a war devoted to ending a Nazi rule? Last time I checked, those pieces of human garbage killed millions of people, and that’s the ultimate in not ok.

I actually think Mercury going retrograde in the sign of Virgo as of the 12th will help us to navigate these KKK infested waters deeper and better than we’ve ever had, and so desperately need to do. After WW2 (or anytime for that matter) there was no real facing of the deep segregation, racism, and bigotry in our own country, even after we liberated another country from theirs. There’s never been…

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